Monitoring and Performance Review Branch

Director Name
Director Of Education
Monitoring and Performance Review Branch

Function of Branch

Conducting progress review meetings regarding the mid-term and annual implementation plan of the Ministry of Education, preparing reports and sensitizing the relevant sections. 

Taking necessary actions to monitor local and foreign funded projects conducted by the Ministry of Education and preparing progress reports and sensitizing the relevant sections.  

Preparing the progressive reports including the reports submitted to parliamentary budget debates and performance review reports of the ministry.

Submitting progress reports to the partners such as the Department of National Budget and Project Management Department. 

Organizing meetings between the Ministry of Education and the officers of institutions affiliated with it and organizing the education development committee meetings conducted with provincial and zonal officers and preparing the reports on them.      

Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Frame Work under Secondary Education Section Improvement Project (SESIP)   

Preparing and updating the monitoring information system, preparing analytical reports. 

Capacity building of the officers at zonal, provincial and ministry of education levels on monitoring and evaluation.

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