Foreign Institutions and Foreign Affairs Branch

Director Name
Director Of Education
Foreign Institutions and Foreign Affairs Branch

Function of Branch

Approving the foreign duty leave, purchasing the air tickets as required, paying the course fees to the foreign universities, paying the relevant allowances and obtaining visa in relation to the official foreign tours of The Hon. Minister of Education, Secretary of Education, Officers of the ministry, officers in  the departments and institutions belonging to the Ministry of Education, principals and the teachers of the national schools.

Sending the proposed names to the Department of Foreign Resources.

Providing the recommendations to obtain visa for foreign officers who come to serve in various institutions in the field of education. Eg.: JICA, KOICA, UNICEF.

Providing recommendations of the Ministry of Education to obtain visa and for the extension of visa for the officers who come to serve in international schools and other private educational institutions.

Coordination of bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements and memoranda of understanding relevant to the Ministry of Education that have been signed with the foreign countries by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

Work as the focal point for Commonwealth of Learning, paying annual membership fee and coordination of other affairs.

Coordination of the work related to the donations and projects implemented with foreign countries and non-governmental organizations (Eg. Work as the focal point in the programs conducted by Officer for Overseas Sri Lanka Affairs of the President’s Office.)

Coordination of the tours of foreign diplomats and the coordinating affairs of the meetings conducted with the foreign institutions.

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