Physical Education and Sports Branch

Mr. A.W. Nanayakkara
Director Of Education
Physical Education and Sports Branch

Function of Branch

Deciding the pre and post activities necessary for planning and implementation of all island school athletics and group events.

Formulation of plans for all island teachers’ sport competitions and bear the responsibility of supervising its basic preparations.

Taking actions for obtaining financial allocations to implement annual plans of Health, Physical Education and Sports Branch and guarantee and be accountable for the provision of maximum utility through the use of those allocations productively.

Formulation of relevant plans to develop the identified sports under the sports development programs and to provide local and foreign training experiences.

Designing relevant plans to provide local and foreign training experiences for professional development of sports trainers.

Recruitment preparing suitable norms of teachers, In-Service Advisors, trainers and resource persons of health, physical education and sports and also providing national level recommendations for placements of teachers.

Identifying the strategies for expanding the programs of health, physical education and sports and designing plans along with them.

Be responsible for the capacity building of teachers, officers, trainers and resource persons connected with the subject field of Health, Physical Education and Sports Branch.

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